Tuesday, May 31, 2011

daily image may 31st 2011

  1. what i see in this image is a lake with water and trees and rocks .
  2. the colors i see green white brown
  3. weird , nice , pretty, intelligant, cute
  4. this mood gives me joy and happy .
  5. this photo means that the lake is nice and warm .
  6. the rule of thirds.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

texture may 26 2011

  1. what is texture ? . texture is how something look and feel .
  2. how does shooting texture take photography one step further ?Shooting textures takes the challenge one step further: conveying to the viewer not only how something looks, but also how it feels to the touch .
  3. what is the bonus of photography bricks .? creating patterns and symmertical shapes
  4. one plant texture i can photograph Tree bark may be glossily smooth or dry, peeling and rough. Leaves can be veined, spiky, succulent.
  5. what is one touchable quality of paint ? a shiny new coat of paint on a windowsill .
  6. why does stone lend itself to texture studies ? stone lends itself well to the study of texture , both in nature and in more urban settings . and cold hard smooth chipped .
  7. what are some aspects of wood that are ispiring ?a slickly varnished chair leg – there’s never an uninspired photographer around wood!
  8. list three fabrics you can photograph here in school deep shag pile carpet, rough sisal matting, smooth silk, fresh crisp cotton .
  9. 1 quality that rope has is smoothly waxed . janitor closet
  10. the metal is a good material to photograph because its smooth cool reflective rusty tarnished and dull AND ITS great texture to work on .

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

daily image may 24 2011

1 . i see rocks leaves and a lady laying . down on the rockss .
2 . colors i see gray and black circle rectangle ,
3 . exciting , pretty busy , weird ,touching
4 . this mood gives mee a happy mood because this picture is very cute and creative
5 . this photo means that the lady is laying down
6 . the rule of thirds . 3

Friday, May 20, 2011

daily image may 20 2011

1 . what i see in this photo is a cow heads and i man standing on top of the cow heads and he is holding a cow head . and a man standing next to the cow heads .
2. the colors i see is sepia and black .
3. intresting , weird unnormal , kinky , fearful
4.this mood gives me weird because this photo is very werid .
5. this photo means that the man is going to make a creative feature .
6. depth of field because this photo is nice and clear .

Monday, May 16, 2011

color purple , color symbolism #1,2,3,4,5

1 . the color i choose is bluee
2 . the meaning that this photo can convey is peace loving .
3 . this color relate to the passage in the book because in the passage it weak sad tired .
4. this photo relate to the pasage from the book in peace loving and sad .
5 . " i pray for strength bite the inside of my jaws . "
6 . this photo gives the same feeling as the passage because the passage the weak sad and tired .

1 . the color i choose to focus on is blue
2 . the meaning is calm peace , sky ,
3 . this color relates to the passage in thie boook because in the passage it talked
4 . " every thing you touch will crumble '' .
5 . this photo gives the same feeling in the passage because in the passage the photo is shinning .

1. i chosen green .
2 . the meaning of this photo that can convey is nature , youth , envy .
3. this color relate to the passage in the book because in the book it talks about a girll yelling at a boy .
4. this photo relate to the passage in the book because the girl is yelling at the boy in a angry way .
5. a quote form the passage i used was " you fly in his face .
6. this photo gives the same meaning of the passage envy because the photo is envy

1 . the color i choosed was between orange & yellow .
2. the meaning of this photo warm expansive happines that can be convey orange and yellow .
3 this color relate to the passage in the book because this photo is warm and nice .
4 . this photo relate the to
passage because in the passage he was warm and thinking .
5 . " he wake up while i'm in the field . i been chopping cotton three hours by time he come . us dont say nothing to eachother''.
6. my photo gives the same feeling as the photo because the photo and passage is warm and expansive
the color i choosed on this photo is is black and white .

  1. the meaning of this photo that can convey is anger sexuality
  2. this color relate to the passage from the book because the color meaning is anger and sexuality because he is bitting his lip .
  3. this photo relate to the passage from the book because in the book it has a meaning of anger and the photo has a sense of anger .
  4. " i pray for strength , bite the insides of my jaws .because the photo is sad tired and weak and this photo is sad tired and weak .
  5. " bite the insides of my jaws"
  6. the photo gives the same meaning because its sad weak .
1. what i see in this photo is a group of men running for their life and it look like they about to die
2. the clors i see red black yellow white blue .
3. sad , frail , dark , weak , unhappy
4. this mood gives mee a un touching feeling because its sad .
5. this photo means that the people is bouttah bo bomb .
6. the rule of third . simplicty .

Thursday, May 12, 2011

1 . what i see in the photo is a TWO PEOPLE CLIMBING a mountain and i see mountains and clouds .
2 . the colors i see is blue white gray . the shapes i see is triangle and circles the lines i see is straight .
3. five words to describe this photo is nice earthy frosty adventures shallow .
4. the type of mood this photo gives me is warmy because this photo is warmed and nice .
5. this photo means that the two people are going hiking . in the mountains .
6. this photo is uses a rule of composition in depth of field .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

  1. what i see in this photo is a forest with trees and branches and a lot of birds . what is happening in this photo is that the birds are flying . around .
  2. the colors i see is black and gray . the shapes i see is rectangle square the lines i see is straight lines .
  3. five expressive words i use to describe this photo is unordinary dark sad depressing earthy .
  4. the type of mood this photo gives me is earthy unordinary because because this photo is sad and darky and it looks like it can turn someone mood down .
  5. this photo means that the artisit that made this photo seem like he or she was sad and depressed . and this photo means that the birds were flying . around and the face the girll was mad in the face .
  6. dept of field

Friday, May 6, 2011

1. what i see in this photo is is trees and a lake and nice pretty flowers .
2. the colors i see orange red green and yellow . the shapes i see is circle
3 . 5 words to describe the picture pretty nice cute sweet colorful
4 . this picture gives me joy because its pretty and colorful and i like colorful pictures .
5 this photo means that its joy and people like colorful things .
6. this photo is used of thirds is simplicity .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

1. what i see in this photo is a dump yard with cars and a tree and buildings . and i also see the moon .

2 . the colors i see is blue pink black . the shapes i see is circle and square . the lines i see is horizontal .

3. the three words i would use to describe this photo is cute nice frosty gritty dull

4. the mood that this photo gives me is dull cause the photo looks lonely .

5 . this photo means that its dark and they gunna work on the cars .

6. this photo is used of rule of composition in which simplicity .