Monday, June 6, 2011

june 6 th 7 texture photos

daily image june 6th

my favorite image from the website is a pug wearing pug slippers because the pug is so cute and the pug look innocent and nice and sweet . and you couldnt find anyother photo is that .

Thursday, June 2, 2011

daily image june 2 2011

  1. what i see in this photo is a man sky diving .
  2. the Colors i see blue green white green . circle square rectangle the lines i see is straight .
  3. cool , nice , spectualr , awesome , cute
  4. this mood gives he joy because its calming at it looks to do .
  5. this photo means that he is having fun and he sky diving .
  6. the rule of third .

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

daily image may 31st 2011

  1. what i see in this image is a lake with water and trees and rocks .
  2. the colors i see green white brown
  3. weird , nice , pretty, intelligant, cute
  4. this mood gives me joy and happy .
  5. this photo means that the lake is nice and warm .
  6. the rule of thirds.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

texture may 26 2011

  1. what is texture ? . texture is how something look and feel .
  2. how does shooting texture take photography one step further ?Shooting textures takes the challenge one step further: conveying to the viewer not only how something looks, but also how it feels to the touch .
  3. what is the bonus of photography bricks .? creating patterns and symmertical shapes
  4. one plant texture i can photograph Tree bark may be glossily smooth or dry, peeling and rough. Leaves can be veined, spiky, succulent.
  5. what is one touchable quality of paint ? a shiny new coat of paint on a windowsill .
  6. why does stone lend itself to texture studies ? stone lends itself well to the study of texture , both in nature and in more urban settings . and cold hard smooth chipped .
  7. what are some aspects of wood that are ispiring ?a slickly varnished chair leg – there’s never an uninspired photographer around wood!
  8. list three fabrics you can photograph here in school deep shag pile carpet, rough sisal matting, smooth silk, fresh crisp cotton .
  9. 1 quality that rope has is smoothly waxed . janitor closet
  10. the metal is a good material to photograph because its smooth cool reflective rusty tarnished and dull AND ITS great texture to work on .

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

daily image may 24 2011

1 . i see rocks leaves and a lady laying . down on the rockss .
2 . colors i see gray and black circle rectangle ,
3 . exciting , pretty busy , weird ,touching
4 . this mood gives mee a happy mood because this picture is very cute and creative
5 . this photo means that the lady is laying down
6 . the rule of thirds . 3

Friday, May 20, 2011

daily image may 20 2011

1 . what i see in this photo is a cow heads and i man standing on top of the cow heads and he is holding a cow head . and a man standing next to the cow heads .
2. the colors i see is sepia and black .
3. intresting , weird unnormal , kinky , fearful
4.this mood gives me weird because this photo is very werid .
5. this photo means that the man is going to make a creative feature .
6. depth of field because this photo is nice and clear .